Dogs dry, itchy skin solutions with grooming by Gabcus July 17, 2016 If your dog has dry, itchy skin, he’s not alone. This is a very common issue with dogs. Let’s...
Protect your pets in winter too! by Gabcus July 10, 2016 In terms of weather for the animals critical the winter season as well. They also feel cold, and the...
Learn how to choose a safe shampoo by Gabcus June 27, 2016 The skin is our largest organ and is there to protect. It has been researched that more than 50% of...
How often should you bath your dog? by Gabcus March 6, 2016 Most advice you find on the internet recommends washing your dog just several times per year! Times...
How to bath your cat by Gabcus January 22, 2016 In each cat’s life the big moment comes when bathing takes places. So for example, when the owner ta...
How to bath your dog by Gabcus January 19, 2016 In cold weather, never bath the dog outdoors. This is particularly true for puppies that are not yet...